intuitive Energy Balancing & Therapeutic Touch
Therapeutic touch is not about "fixing" anything. It is about cultivating wellness in your mind, body, and spirit. Your body is abundant. Your body is wise. It can heal itself if you allow it, if you empower it, if you give it the right kind of love. Bodywork can help clear blockages, both energetically and physically, and allow your body to finally do what it needs to find balance.
As a Licensed Massage Therapist, Energy healer, artist, and nourishing spirit, I have created Abbondanza as a safe space for wellness to grow.
Wherever you are on your healing path, this work will meet you there, deeply and wholly. All you have to do is set up a time that will be all yours, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to receive. The magical sacred power of therapeutic touch is waiting for you.
I offer:
Energy Balancing / Chakra Realignment
Therapeutic Massage (No deep tissue)
Sacred Ritual Work
Distance Healing
Guided Meditation
Full Session (1 Hour) $110
Expanded Session (1.5 Hours) $150
Short Session (1/2 Hour) $55
***Gift Certificates Available Upon Request***
~Please ask about sliding scale options~

Bodywork and therapeutic touch are broad terms that include everything from sports massage to energy healing.
Whether working with the musculoskeletal, fascial, lymphatic, or nervous systems, energy is always involved. So what is "energy"? In Eastern Medicine, it is referred to as Qi, the flowing life coursing through us and everything around us. Some in the West will call it electromagnetic force. In studies like theatre, somatic therapy, and trauma healing, energy is the map of our bodies where memory lives. You will hear many variations and interpretations on energy, but one thing is clear—it pervades every culture and time and can cause serious illness if out of balance.
Energy Balancing is clearing blockages so the flow of life can be restored back in your body. This deeply therapeutic touch can revitalize every aspect of your health - mind body and spirit, which cannot be separated, but rather flow like rivers and tributaries along the vast terrain that is you. Where there is a rock causing stagnation here, or a gushing overflow there, this work can help restore your inner rhythm, gently cradling your body back into balance and stimulating the abundant wellness within that has been sitting dormant waiting to bloom.
Therapeutic Touch can help your body to:
Get grounded, slow down, self care
Increase circulation of blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, nerve, Qi
Boost the Immune System
Ease anxiety, depression, stress
Release trauma held in the body
Help with sleeping problems, insomnia
Ease pain and stiffness from autoimmune disorders
Recover faster from surgery or injury
Increase joint mobility and flexibility
Relax injured, tired, overused bodies
Relax the nervous system
And so much more.... the benefits of bodywork are endless!

There is abundance in the universe. Reach out and live it, breathe it in, see it. Ask for it.
"Abbondanza" is abundance in Italian. I am drawn to this word for its joy, its fullness - because I can't say it without singing a little. It has the word "dance" in it right there! It is radiant and full of hope and color. It is endless. It is present. The world we live in is abundant. When you choose to focus on gratitude instead of fear, you realize there is a whole universe full of wonder and abundance - ABBONDANZA! There are everyday people doing good deeds every day. The human spirit, even when it stumbles, longs for and grows towards community, towards kindness, towards compassion. We can no longer afford to carry the generational trauma we have inherited forward to our children. It is time to shed old tired ways, to work through and grieve, and to intentionally carve new patterns that embrace healing available to us when we tap in.
When we get hurt, when we ache and struggle, when we are broken — we don't often look to our bodies for healing. We are told to go to a “professional”, hoping for a quick fix. But how long have we pushed our bodies to keep working for us, expecting them to get "fixed" momentarily when they falter? If we honor our sacred temples in which we reside and give them the patience and tender care they deserve, we could unlock the healing power already and always living within us. When we ask for guidance, what we really need is a safe space where we can give ourselves the time to be loved and given permission to let go. Tapping into abundant wellness is giving yourself gentle and spacious love and tuning into and igniting the oft unheard healing mechanisms ever present in your body.
This is the time, if you've been waiting.
There is abundance in the universe—ask for it! Ask for it, and you will be saying Yes! to your life.

email: abbondanzawellness@gmail.com
phone: 858.349.2611